Using Docker Health Checks to Wait for Development Environment Services

At PMG we use Docker and Docker Compose to spin up backing services for local development and continuous integration -- think things like databases, cache, or localstack. One challenge, especially in a CI environment, is making sure that the services are up and available before starting test runs. Enter HEALTHCHECK Dockerfiles can contain a HEALTHCHECK… Continue reading Using Docker Health Checks to Wait for Development Environment Services

Cross-Account waitForTaskToken in AWS Step Functions

One small gotcha in AWS Step Functions is that the waitForTaskToken integration pattern only really works within the same AWS account (and region). You must pass task tokens from principals within the same AWS account. The tokens won't work if you send them from principals in a different AWS account. I've been prototyping a set… Continue reading Cross-Account waitForTaskToken in AWS Step Functions

Deploying a Single SPA Application on AWS

This post is a follow up to Hosting a Single Page Application in AWS. It builds on that article with some specifics for the Single SPA micro frontend famework. There are couple core problems to solve here when using the recommended setup outside of just hosting the applicaiton as described in the article linked above.… Continue reading Deploying a Single SPA Application on AWS

Create Your Own Certificate Authority with Terraform

I did this for an EC2 Client VPN Endpoint and certificate based authentication in a continuous integration environment. It might also be suitable for localhost certificates and is pretty much what Minica or Easy RSA does. But I do a lot of infrastructure work with Terraform, so here we are. Another important note: AWS has… Continue reading Create Your Own Certificate Authority with Terraform

Waiting for MySQL to be Ready in Docker Compose

Had a ... fun thing happen in GitHub Actions today where my tests were starting before the MySQL server they needed was up and running. MySQL in this case was running in Docker compose. So I started my process with a little shell script using mysqladmin: #!/usr/bin/env bash count=0 alive="no" while [ "$count" -lt 5… Continue reading Waiting for MySQL to be Ready in Docker Compose